Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm a lime!!

Morning sickness...

need i say more... UGH im over that part of my pregnancy.... it seems the nausia part is over... but i have the need to puke more.. i have my days when i feel fine getting up, do what i need to do, then all of a sudden....BLAH!!! it sucks... but worth it!

Babys first gift!!

My sister got her new niece or nephew a little present already!!!! I love my sister! i think shes hoping to be the favorite aunt ; )


I havent really been craving anything.... just want to eat always.. haha My weird thing i ate so far is cheese dorritos and ice cream. i must say it was pretty yummy lol. im starting to want pickles.. but mainly cause michael keeps asking if i want one... once i hear about certain foods.. i want it!!!! i seem to be eating ALOT!! every 2 hours or so im hungry.... im hungry now as we speak!!!!!


Michael and I are expecting a baby... I'm 10 weeks and 4 days. we are super excited and so is our family! It was a big surprise, but a blessing! This was my first ultrasound.. i was 7 weeks 5 days.

mom's wedding!!

my mom and my step dad finally got married in August....

baby logan!!

so its been along time since i posted anything, but my boyfriends sister had her little baby! Meet baby Logan Anthony!!! hes super cute!!! hes two months old now and is a big fatty lol he loves to eat!!!